The Best Recipes .........

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Chai Kueh (Just like the Pasar Malam's one)

Chai Kueh Recipe

Fillings Ingredients
300-400g jicama (yam bean or sar kot)
3 Tbsp Dried Prawns
150 g mince pork (optional)
100g Carrots
2 dried fungus if big one, if small one maybe 3 to 4 soaked and thinly sliced
2 Tbsp Chopped Garlic
1 Tbsp Oyster sauce
2 Tbsp Soya sauce
1 Tbsp sugar
¼ cup of water
Salt to taste
2 tsp white pepper

Method :
Wash and soak dried prawns for 10-15 minutes. Chop it coarsely.
Shread yam bean (jicama) and carrots into long strips.
Heat up 4-5 Tbsp oil and stir in garlic till fragrant.
Add in dried prawns and mince pork and fry till fragrant.
Add in yam bean (jicama) and and carrots. Stir fry for about 5 minutes. Then add oyster sauce, soya sauce, sugar, and water. Stir it for a minute or so and let it simmer till vegetable is soft, cooked and liquid reduced. Add in salt to taste and white pepper.
Leave it to cool.

Pastry/Skin Ingredients
165 g Wheat Starch Flour ( Tung Mein Fun)
85 g Tapioca Flour
420 g hot boiling water
5 Tbsp oil
I Tablespoon of normal wheat flour to use for dusting and rolling

Method :
Mixed wheat starch flour and tapioca flour in a large mixing bowl.
Add in boiling water and mixed it thoroughly with long wooden spoon till you get a translucent like dough. During this time the dough is actually very thick and sticky. Just continue to stir and get the translucent like dough.
Close it up and let it rest for 10 minutes.
Add in oil gradually (1 Tbsp oil at a time) and knead into a smooth dough. You might need some spare Tung Mein Fun with you as when it is too sticky you need to add a little to reduce the stickiness.
Rolled out dough into a long sausage roll and divide into about 30 pieces. During this time use the normal wheat flour for dusting the surface for rolling the skin out for wrapping the filing.

To make Chai Kueh:
Prepare the steamer.
Lightly oiled the steaming tray. I use baking paper for convenient reason.
Roll out the skin pastry into a circle with about 7 cm diameter. You can use a little normal wheat flour to smooth out the rolling and kneading.
Put 1 Tbsp filling in the center.
Pleat the edge of the skin and wrapped it up tightly. How to wrap please watch this video .
Arrange the Chai kueh on the steaming tray. Brush with some oil before steaming.
Steam for 12 minutes or until the skin is translucent.

Then enjoy this yummy snack that Malaysians love!

Autumn around the corner .......

It has been busy time in December, January and February. Busy with baking macarons for Christmas, Valentine's Day and of course some additional income selling home made fresh, crunchy Yee Sang for Chinese New Year. Meanwhile all these happening I did a lot of exploring cooking and trying new things such as Chai Kueh (very local Malaysian delicacy), Hong Kong style hawkers food i.e. porridge, egg tarts, Portuguese egg tarts, Poh Loh Yau Pau (pineapple bun), Korean cuisine i.e. Sun Doo Boo, home made sauce for marinating for Bulgogi and yummy and soft banana bread. The list will goes on but I did had a good time baking and cooking in the kitchen. Now finally have to return to the real life of working, so it mean less hours in the kitchen. However I should not complain as the workings hours are fantastic, So I am grateful for that. I will post my Chai Kueh recipe here that I improvised from Ho Siew Loon's recipe. That is all for now and hope to write more soon ......... Cheers